Let me preface this by saying that I was a Zyrtec girl. If there's an allergy out there, I'll suffer from it. Flowers? Check. Pollen? Check. Dander? Double check. Dust? Check, check, all day check. You get the picture. I was famous in high school for always having a Kleenex box in hand. And lately, a little of the shine has come off the Zyrtec apple. How fortuitous was it then that BzzAgents offered me a Claritin-D campaign? Did the stars align for me or what?
What did I like:
Can you say sniffles-be-gone? Because now I can! How cool is that? I'd forgotten the relief I'm supposed to feel with an allergy pill! That's not to completely dump on Zyrtec. It served me very well for many, many years, but the human body is an amazing machine, and it adapts and builds tolerances to a lot of things, medication included. I was long overdue for a change, and Claritin-D is just what the doctor ordered.
My doctor recommended it, and BzzAgents offered a campaign. I got the message, universe. Thanks.
It was also nice that both my allergy relief and my nasal congestion is addressed in just one pill. Before, I was taking separate pills, but Claritin-D had the presence of mind to combine both of my pills. One less pill is always a good thing. And before everyone points it out, yes, I know Zyrtec makes a "D" version as well.
What didn't I Like?
This might be nit picking, but the BzzAgents coupon for this campaign didn't cover the cost of the full quantity mentioned on the coupon (10 or more). Bad form, BzzAgents. Bad form.
Also, what's up with the funky quantities, Claritin? Let's all look and see how many days in a month. 30. Split that in half for you lucky seasonal-allergies types. What's that? 15? Someone at Claritin, get on the ball and let's make a box cover a whole month, please? Thank you very much.
The Verdict:
Thanks for the memories, Zyrtec, but don't let the door hit you on the tush on the way out. This is now a Claritin-D house.
I received the above product from BzzAgent and my only commitment is to provide an honest review. I have no obligation of sharing a favorable (or unfavorable) opinion. The above statement are my own opinion based on my experiences with the product. Your opinion may differ from mine.
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