I always seem to be playing catch-up and somehow think if I hurry up in the morning and make concessions, like not eating a real breakfast, I can get ahead of everything I need to do. You would think I would learn but I always have an excuse on why cutting on breakfast the other times did not work, but will work again today. I've fooled myself many times so I started resorting to having meal replacement bars, energy bars, snack bars, protein bars.....well anything that fills the hunger hole but trying to fill it with something nutritious. I like fast too but the last thing I want to do, is go to a drive-thru somewhere to purchase something in a bun that will hinder me more when it comes to nutrition and energy.
I have consumed many bars from Luna to even store brands. The amount I pay never reflects the taste some of them have that I then label them "diet bars" because they taste so poorly, that you only can eat 1/4 to maybe 1/2 of them on a brave day. It's called the "I make this bar so bad, starving a little feels better" diet plan.
I was happy when I was accepted to try out Detour bars that showed a big 15 grams of protein on their package. Being derived from whey, I like this because sometimes when I am running errands with my Husband, we share a bar together and I don't always need the full 15 grams. I get the bar and it makes me think of those ice cream bars I had back when I was a child.
Opening package time: The scent is pleasant and sweet with a hint of chocolate. They dip the bar in a milk chocolate "flavored" coating and then a white design on top so the product looks pleasing. I slice a square off and notice that the texture within the bar does not resemble the picture on the product card. I look at the back of the packaging and notice it may be the "soy chips", so that may be why.
Taste Test: You have a bar that is not too soft or hard when you bite, just a little granular in texture but many of these energy/protein bars tend to be mealy. The texture is not so off that it prevents you from eating it. When I think of Neapolitan, I think of the three flavors commonly associated, Strawberry, Vanilla and Chocolate. The bar's flavors, both natural and artificial start to taste fruity and then comes that taste, almost like film that covers your tongue with the artificial sweeteners. It's over powering and starts to permeate up to your nose.
I can say I have had worse but unfortunately this is not a bar I would seek out due to the ingredients list. Great that it's low in sugars, 4 grams for this "light" version versus 8 grams for their normal bar but the sucralose and list of artificial ingredients does not justify the price point. The market is flooded with these bars that if you are "going to play ball", you need to hit it on the mark when it comes to flavor and this is me even being flexible on texture. I have had bars with simple ingredients that taste better and my body can absorb with ease, but this lab experiment on the Detour packaging will leave my system going, "huh".
I received the above products from Swaggable free of charge. I am not obligated in providing a favorable/positive review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the products, which may differ from yours.
Looks Yummy! I love Swaggable.