Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Smiley: Efferdent Fresh Guard Starter Kit #Review #Freshguard


I was very fortunate to have had braces. Although you'd be hard pressed to get me to admit it at the time. The last thing anyone wants when they're starting high school is a mouth full of metal. But now, with the benefit of age and understanding I know that my parents did me a huge favor (and laid out no small amount of money) to ensure I had a straight, beautiful smile. Part of maintaining that for all these years has been wearing my retainer from time to time. Yes, I still wear my retainer, much to my husband's amusement, all these years later.

And anyone who has one knows that keeping them clean is paramount. The absolute LAST thing you want in your mouth is a gunky, nasty retainer. Toothpaste isn't the same animal from when we were kids, so I can appreciate Smiley360's offer to try Fresh Guard by Efferdent. Gentle on the appliances we put in our mouths, but rough on germs. It's also good for mouth guards and removable braces. Since I don't have those, just my retainer, I'll be sticking to that.

What I really like from jump street is that you can just drop it in a glass or bowl, pour the crystals and let the fizz carry the junk away. Which is exactly what I did. I notice right away that despite the emphasis on "fresh", there's instead a very distinct chemical smell. The instructions say to wait for the water to turn clear, and you're good to go, but the smell makes me want to rinse it right away, which I do. And I'm glad I did, because there's still a slight "off" taste. I can't imagine what it would have been right from the glass to my mouth. It doesn't seem any cleaner than when I use a toothbrush and toothpaste, so I'm hard pressed to see the benefit from this product.


My kit also comes with a Fresh Guard wipe, which I have to assume would be better suited to something without ridges or pointy edges like my retainer, because it kept getting caught. It didn't do a very thorough job at all.

All things considered, I'm not a huge fan of this product, and don't particularly see the need for the additional expense. If it did a better job than a toothbrush and toothpaste, I could see it but it doesn't. It might also be seen as step backwards with the smell. Shame, really, because I wanted to like this product.

If you would like to try Fresh Guard by Efferdent, please visit:

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I received the above product free of charge from Fresh Guard by Efferdent and Smiley360.  I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion.  My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.


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