A while back, I was doing some gardening in my front "succulent garden" in our courtyard. We have no "outside" pets, just a dog who acts allergic to sunlight. So, since we use good organic dirt and have (had?) nothing to fear, I was gardening bare handed. Little did I know some neighbor and their "outside" cat had decided my front door garden was also suitable as a litterbox. Truly, truly a disgusting find. I washed my hands almost immediately, but as anyone who gardens will tell you, little scrapes and scratches happen. I started to get what our Google-fu told us was ringworm. Double ew. Luckily for me, hubby had been in contact via The Underground forums with Guy Sako of Defense Soap. I started washing with his bar and shower gel poste-haste. In a matter of about a week, I was itch and worry free. Huzzah!
Now you may be wondering what all this has to do with my usual posts of beauty, health, and food. See, hubby uses this soap fairly regularly after exercise or especially after doing yard work, because again, for some reason, inconsiderate people think a cat's dirty business belongs in our yard. I liked how it smelled, and a little added bonus was that he stopped getting really bad blemishes or breakouts from sunscreen and grime. So I thought I'd give it a try on my face. And have I been ever so pleased with the results.
Can I talk to you about your makeup brushes, as long as I've got you here? How many of you wash your brushes regularly? Because you really should. We spend a pretty penny on our brushes (or even get really good ones on sale, cheap!), and using harsh soap on natural brush bristles? Can we really be that cruel? I was. Until hubby shared his Defense soap gel. A little drop in some hot water...boom; Clean, disinfected brushes on my clean, disinfected face. Especially you there on the couch, you know who you are. The one that reapplies your makeup in the bathroom on lunch? YOUR BRUSH IS DIRTY! Because your brush has all those germs from that bathroom festering in your compact, in your makeup pouch, in your purse. Yuck. You NEED Defense soap. Today. Right now. Go ahead. I'll wait.
This little discovery has been great, and as anyone who reads my blog with any regularity will tell you, I like to champion the little guy. And Guy Sako has been doing this labor of love with very little support outside of the combat sports community. It's time I did my part and tried to spread his sphere of influence far and wide, because here is an American company doing all the right things for all the right reasons. You might have even seen Defense Soap at your gym before, and thought nothing of it. I'm here to tell you you should. Not just for the gym either! (because there's nothing skeevier than the floor of your gym's shower.) Not only will it keep funk and grime off your significant other keeping them healthy and happy, but will also make your skin healthy and happy too. Sharing is caring after all.
Oh, gym clothes got a serious case of the "YUK"? Defense Soap has you covered there. Don't feel like a shower after the gym or workout? Again, covered. Want to add some healthy, natural disinfectant to your every day body wash? Defense already thought of that. His shoes giving his feets the itch? Spray the ick away. Got a scratch you don't want to itch? A little dab'll do ya.
So, in the end, while on the surface it might seem Defense Soap isn't for you, you have to remember that every day is a fight us. Against germs. Against viruses. Against breakouts. Against all the yuck the world tries to throw at us every day. The world isn't fighting fair, either, bringing all it's weapons to bear. Better bring a weapon of your own. This good Defense is the best offense.
Connect with Guy and Defense Soap:
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I received the above product(s) free of charge from Guy Sako and Defense Soap. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.
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