Usually, when I review an edible, I have some personal experience or feedback from friends or family. This time, I just have to measure excitement by amounts of drool or butt motion. Because these are dog treats, and our little girl, despite our countless attempts to the contrary, has yet to learn speak the King's English.
Swaggable and Green Bark (woof) Gummies have teamed up to bring me their "Skin & Coat" formula gummies loaded with three types of omega-3 fatty acids, and a blend of antioxidant-rich kelp, green tea extract and alfalfa. With fish, potato, pork broth, egg whites, rosemary and Chia seeds. Plus, it smells slightly of bacon. No wheat, no corn, no soy, no sugar. No artificial colors flavors, or GMO's. What a lucky girl!
- Retail Price Point: $10.00 but I did see they sell via Amazon for a lower price!
But healthy ingredients aside, the acid test is, does she like them? We have a metric here to measure this. It consists of eye size, ear position, and whether she stays put while we open the treats, how many times out fingertips get nipped, and above all else, foamy jowls. These little bear shaped yummers checked off just about every box. Not quite the pet store-brand "treat bar" peanut butter sandwich cookie-crazy, but well above liver snap treat levels. And let me tell you, she loves her some liver snaps.
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I'm very thankful for the chance to try these. As is our little poochy. She's been enjoying these for a while now, and I don't feel as bad about her eating them as when she noms on those treat bar cookies no doubt loaded with all the bad stuff Green Bark Gummies won't use. Good on you, Green Bark Gummies. I'm happy to put her "Paws of Approval" on these gummies, and share that they have passed muster here with many a wagging tail.
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Connect your pooch with Green Bark Treats at:
I received the above product(s) free of charge from Green Bark and Swaggable. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.
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