In the world of essential oils and the like, many companies like to make things fuzzy by using terms as, Pharmaceutical Grade and/or Therapeutic Grade. Who grades or certifies these oils? No one! You have trust the supplier, unless you get into food grades where the FDA grades and then you hear terms as Virgin, Extra Virgin and the like. When it comes to real certifications, where you pay an agency for them to come in, inspect and grade your materials, you then see such certifications like the "Non-GMO" and Organic labels. It comes down to sources and knowing them, so I am a bit critical when it comes to oils and I always think about what will I be using them for and price point attached.
Majestic Oils, is a company that carries an array of products and especially oils. They have "Carrier" oils, which get used in addition to essential oils. Think of a candle and the wax is the carrier, where the fragrance would be the essential oil. I was sent a bottle of their, Peppermint Oil to try.
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Benefits/Evidence of Peppermint Oil in Essential form:
Beyond it's soothing scent and being able to clear our nasal passages, Peppermint oil can provide you with many benefits. As I researched, I found many use the oil for stomach problems like nausea and vomiting, however I did see it could worsen heartburn. While many find the oil to sooth the skin, adverse reaction is a possibility if you are sensitive to the plant. You will need to do your research and I went by scientific findings versus just anecdotal evidence. I like balancing out what people report and measure it against what can be proven. I found mostly the essential oil was safer if used as a way to relieve nasal congestion but keeping in mind that for some, it can cause headaches.

I kept the aforementioned in mind and used the product in oil essential form to re-freshen the home, since we keep doors and windows shut close doing colder weather. Being that I suffer from allergies and always congested, I did find mixing the essential Peppermint oil with the Fractionated Coconut oil from Majestic Pure, was the perfect match! The oil filled the home with what I forgot was the true scent of peppermint. I got so use to faux smells that I forgot how calming a scent with cooler notes can be. It did freshen up the home, which I found pleasurable and that alone made me feel good. Think of what lavender can do and peppermint shares the same aromatherapy properties. I actually enjoyed it and threw anything away that claimed to be peppermint scented and was not. The essential oil by Majestic Pure also goes far! I just needed to use a few drops with the other oil, to achieve that perfect balance.

Retail Price Point: $18.50 for a large 4 fluid ounce bottle

My small and only Con- The dropper is included and while it's glass and I love it.....it's just sort of thrown in with bubble wrap into a box where the bottle fits well but not with the dropper. The dropper comes apart easily, as that is how it arrived. Being that the oil could be used on the skin and such, it just did not seem like the most sanitary way to include this. Maybe just adding it to the bottle and including the smaller (non-dropper) top would have been wiser. I cleared the dropper with alcohol because it just seemed as the smart thing to do :) This con would not keep me from buying though!
Connect with Majestic Oils and their selection of oils and soon to be Beauty Products at:
- On-line
- Amazon
- Phone- 1.866.253.5404
- Address- 2928 Jefferson St, Ste 2H Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA
- #PeppermintOil
I received the above product(s) free of charge from Majestic Pure. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.
I've used Peppermint Oil in Essential form for about 8 months or so. I used a few drops to freshen up great body lotion I had that was scentless. I drop a few drops around the doors about once a week, and I haven't seen a spider since, yay! The spiders here are brown and nasty, such a safer option for us and the pets, sprays are just as nasty as the spiders. I will need to get a good-sized bottle like this one next time.