Hubby isn't much of a "gamer", unless you count a few hours of playing Battlefield 4 every week. But even then, from time to time, the Playstation 4 can get pretty heated up, and heat + CPU's = No bueno. So a little extra help in the cooling department is always appreciated, and TNT Interactive's Vertical Cooling Stand is just what the doctor ordered!

It's a simple thing most folks appreciate, a vertical stand for their shiny new PS4. Not only is it a space-saver, but the PS4's internal fans cool more effectively that way as well. But, with heavy gaming, HD video streaming, or graphics-intense games, it can still tax the internals and they can overheat if not properly cooled, and TNT Interactive's Twin Turbo Cooling Stand steps up to the plate and says "No worries, I got this". Overheating is one of the leading causes of system failures in the Playstation 4, and no one wants their nearly $400 purchase fried when a simple, affordable $17.95 base can stave off so much unhappiness. And while mine was a tight fit for Hubby's PS4, it did eventually settle in and stand comfortably. The TNTi fan base also acts as a USB hub, charging the controllers, or powering other USB peripherals. It's a modest investment that pays huge dividends over the long run, and one I'm glad I got to try.

It's not all wine and roses. The fans can be slightly on the noisy side, and unlike other units I've seen, there's no way to toggle the fans manually off and on. It's plugged in and on, or it's not. Hubby doesn't have the sound up very loud so as not to scare the bejesus out of me and the dog, so we hear the drone of the fan the entire time. The other is the bright, blue LED light on the front of the base. While Hubby sits slightly off-center from the TV and PS4, I'm usually directly right in front of the light, and it's terribly, terribly bright and annoying. Minor quibbles overall, but valid ones for us. Your mileage may vary. And while there's some base units out there with a few more bells and whistles, and some might even be slightly cheaper, in the end you need to select the one that's best for your tastes, and this one suits us just fine.

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I received the above product(s) free of charge from TNT Interactive. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.
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