Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
If only Sole Socity could bottle up their Customer Service and sell it in a shape of a Shoe
Well, I have my first real ugly Disagree! I love Influenster (www.Influenster.com) because they introduce me to great items that I would have not tried in the past just because I was unaware of their existence or had zero connections with them in the past, so I had no idea if they were good or bad. Being stuck in that unknown middle is not a nice place so I like when companies shake me and make me sway towards a Yay or a Nay!
I give Sole Society a Nay! It's that clear, that black and white. I ordered a pair of Black leather heels using their code for $25 off, with tax making the total $38.01. I checked every source out there from on-line to brick and mortars and no genuine leather pair of pumps (that was pretty) was available for that price point. In my research, I noticed Sole Society is featured on Nordstorm's site so that seemed like a good sign. I associate good quality and excellent service with that company. I did some googling and I find that Sole Society is pretty much a "spin off" from Hautelook, which again is another Nordstorm connection. I place my order for the heels they have named Cameron.
Well, Cameron was ordered on Sunday (1/06 after 10:00 PM) after I think I even tired myself debating it. I get a shipment notice with a tracking number, plus a delivery date of Tuesday, January 8th. Wha...? Now, that is QUICK service. UPS driver and his wonderful brown truck pulls up and I was online so my husband gets the package. He kindly opens it up and I hear from the kitchen, "Dang, this shoe box has seen better days". My response, "seriously, how bad....I don't keep shoe boxes so let me know how the heels are". I hear some paper and then silence. Now, a few seconds passing when it comes to something like this seems like minutes so I just know he took TOO LONG to say something. I start speaking and I hear, "Babe, these shoes are used....but like REALLY USED". I stop what I am doing and we meet half way. I will make it short and clear, these should have never been accepted as a return in that kind of shape and then resold. The girl that walked in these heels should stick to sneakers because not only are they scuffed on the sides and front, but on the back of one of the heels. Each heel has a sticker with what seems to be the model number (just a theory). Cameron is model number 7B/37 and on the right shoe, the sticker has been "walked off". You have that sticky smear where the sticker came off and everything on the floor/ground stuck to it. It gets worse, one of the heels has the foot (rubber bottom) glued on crooked. Um, I know whoever abused these shoes and then had no shame to return did not do that, that is a manufacturer defect! The shoes have glue spillage where the upper joins the sole and there is an unknown stickiness to them in spots. I just convinced myself it was soda (don't make me think about it). Nonetheless, the deep wrinkles in the leather from walking, the asphalt pits on the bottom of the heel, and all the damage pictured.....these shoes were accepted as a return and then RESOLD as brand-new to a new customer. I was buying shoes, not renting them! Not only is this not sanitary by any means but truly disgusting when I see two other post on Sole Society's Facebook page with other clients getting the same and even worse than I did.
I am a "fix it" kind of person and it's not my business where the shoe fell with Sole Society when it comes to returns. If it's the return's department obligation to check this......well, you know when employees are slackers! Thank goodness I did not purchase one of their "Final Sale" pairs because that is how their BOGO sale worked. The site states, Free Shipping and Free Returns" with no asterisk (*) but be advised that if you return a pair and want a REFUND to your credit card, well there is a re-stocking fee of $7.95. Now, you can always waive getting back the real money you used and opt for a Sole Society credit, and only then do you not get charged a restocking fee. I was not paying a restocking fee after I received used and dirty product, nor was I playing the back-in-forth game after seeing the manufacturer defects alone poor Cameron had.
I use their contact form and press enter to submit for it just to clear my text and not send anything. Don't you love that? I remembered to highlight and hit "copy" before hitting the doom button, thankfully. I sent a direct e-mail and the following day, I received a response. The e-mail apologized for the "mutilated" shoes, (representative's words...not mine). Great service and quickly tells me there would be no re-stocking fee. I get a UPS label e-mailed and on Friday, January 11th, my Husband makes the trek to drop off the box (I appreciate it). I get a notice from UPS that the shoes will be delivered on Monday, January 14th and then another notice when the shoes arrived at their facility. On Wednesday, January 16th, my credit card reflects a credit in full!
If Sole Society could bottle up their Customer Service and sell it in a shape of a shoe....I would support them 150%! As we stand at the moment, whoever is accepting and selling USED shoes has got to (with a cherry on top) GO! I don't believe there is any malice from the company to do this because it is not smart business but it's purely disgusting to have a person or people that would allow such things to happen when you then have Customer Service shining like this. A waste indeed! I wanted to like Sole Society and Cameron, but it seems we were not meant to be.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Things, They Are A Changin'!
Like the new look? We're going to be experimenting with different themes, sidebars, logos and formats for a little bit here, so please bear with us until we decide how the final product looks. If you see something you like leave, or see something you hate appear, just drop me a line or leave me a comment.
Thanks for the understanding and patience!
Montagne Jeunesse Face Masque
These packs cost just under $2! I know, it’s just too great to believe and they have so many to choose from so you are not stuck with a huge jar when you need another variety. I received the Fruit Smoothie in Crushed Raspberry. This product is a deep pore cleaning masque and smells as delicious as it sounds. It has Mango too! I entered 2013 with a less than bright complexion but after just 15 minutes, I had baby soft skin that glowed like I did not stay up too late on New Year’s Eve. I quickly googled and saw that ULTA has these and I drove out the next day and picked up 6 masques. I love the clays they use and my skin did not breakout the following day because it does not over strip your skin. I will be using the Montagne brand from now on because I’m a true believer that there are many great companies that can make you beautiful without emptying your pocket book! @MontagneJeuness / #FaceMasque
- Montagne Jeunesse website: http://bit.ly/VCSE1z
- Montagne Jeunesse Product Page: http://bit.ly/VNjT9y
The above article is based on my own opinions and none of the brand/companies require I provide a negative and/or positive review. My opinions are honest and based on trying the products at zero cost. My opinions may vary from yours and others.
I have not been as spiffy as I want to be since the holidays passed us and trying to de-Christmasify the house, plus everything that has to be done in the New Year….well I admit it (waves little white flag), I can’t hang like I use to. No worries because this is where Influenster must have heard my thoughts because they sent me EBOOST. I try to stay away from anything that has artificial stimulants because they give me pep for a few hours but then I feel worse than before I took the product. It’s like the worst regret you can feel and sometimes I even get a headache for what I refer to as, “trying to cheat my body and make it think it’s energized”. EBOOST does not do this! Yes, I can now cheat and get away with it, this what I wanted and needed! It clearly states on the package “Natural Energy” and I got to try the Natural Pink Lemonade flavor. Very yummy and not over sweetened at all. I actually felt it was better tasting than the other brands that come in package form (even in the same flavor). You get the full care package from EBOOST because it gives you energy and Immunity benefits. I like being taken care of and all I need to supply, is 12 fluid ounces of water! You don’t care for Pink Lemonade? EBOOST has super flavors like Orange, Acai Pomegranate and even Super Berry. I liked it and I did feel energized plus with the flu season always threatening to be worse than the last, I need shielding and an immunity boost wherever I can get it! You can purchase EBOOST for $28 and that supplies you with 20 packets or $39 for for box of 30. You also can opt for the box of 12 shots for $39. @EBOOST / #naturalenergy
- EBOOST website: http://bit.ly/WrjF6M
- EBOOST's Influenster page: http://bit.ly/VQQ87d
The above article is based on my own opinions and none of the brand/companies require I provide a negative and/or positive review. My opinions are honest and based on trying the products at zero cost. My opinions may vary from yours and others.
Goody Quickstyle Brush
I cut five inches off my hair and my hair is still long but looks so much healthier. To insure my locks stay beautiful, Influenster provided me with what I call a brush and towel all-in-one. They sent me the Goody QuickStyle Brush in the “paddle” form. The paddle styler has microfiber bristles, which remove 30% of water as you style. YES!!! This means less damage from heat when I use my blow-dryer! Healthy hair that dries quicker not only saves you time but your hair will thank you. I also noticed my hair was shinier after I used the brush and I feared having little blue fuzzies after use but not one and even had Hubby check. It passed the test so much that I retired (trashed it) my former brush. At $11.99 for either Paddle or Half Round styler, I’m worth it! @GoodyHair / #QuikStyle
- Goody website: http://bit.ly/REp8ue
- Goody Product Page: http://bit.ly/Sis8Oi
What Goody says: The GOODY® QUIKSTYLE™ Paddle brush works like a towel and brush in one. The super absorbent (and antimicrobial) microfiber removes 30% of water from wet hair to help speed your drying time! You can effortlessly detangle right out of the shower and continue using it while you blow dry!
The above article is based on my own opinions and none of the brand/companies require I provide a negative and/or positive review. My opinions are honest and based on trying the products at zero cost. My opinions may vary from yours and others.
Kiss Nail Dress
Tired of waiting for nails to dry? Kiss that problem goodbye with Kiss Nail Dress! You can choose from 21 different styles and your no waiting to dry manicure lasts up to 10 days. Instant satisfaction for just $6.99 and that supplies you with 28 strip bands. You pretty much get 2 applications per box and these strips can also be applied to your toe nails, if you wish to match. I so do not miss those toe wedges and walking on my heels because for some reason it always seems my toe nails take longer to dry than the nails on my hands. I loved being able to do my nails on the same day I had a function (New Year’s Eve for me) and not fretting about it. It took my 30 minutes and when I was done with my little toe, I did not have to wait and was wearing heels the next minute. No quick-dry top coat can deliver these results! The great part is that you can skip on applying a top coat because the stickers have it built-in! Kiss thought of everything! @KissProducts / #KissNailDress . Visit the Kiss review page: http://bit.ly/11cEdY7
- Link back to the Kiss website: http://bit.ly/SipR5S
- Link back to the Kiss review page: http://bit.ly/11cEdY7
The above article is based on my own opinions and none of the brand/companies require I provide a negative and/or positive review. My opinions are honest and based on trying the products at zero cost. My opinions may vary from yours and others.
NYC New York Color Liquid Lipshine
NYC New York Color Liquid shine: I was sent color no. 582 in Nude York City (get it!
- NYC New York Color (http://bit.ly/ZmNfMI) website
- Liquid Lipshine product page (http://bit.ly/10cwV7v)
The above article is based on my own opinions and none of the brand/companies require I provide a negative and/or positive review. My opinions are honest and based on trying the products at zero cost. My opinions may vary from yours and others.
Quaker Real Medleys Oatmeal+
We start with Quaker’s Real Medley’s Oatmeal in Cherry Pistachio. This product took oatmeal to that next level and shook the boring out of the oats. You will notice the “plus” (+) in the label and that is because this is a product that contains other grains. You start with Oatmeal plus whole cherries, roasted almonds, pistachios, and multigrains. The multi-grain blend is as follows, whole grain rolled Oats, rolled Barley, whole grain rolled Rye and whole grain rolled Wheat. You get a nice jolt of fiber to keep you full and satisfied and at 290 calories per cup (for this flavor), it helps start your new year with a smile. It gets better, no cooking required or even a pot or bowl to clean. You simply add H2O, give it a loving stir so everything gets wet, put cup in the microwave and in 45 seconds you take it out. You stir, let stand for a minute and enjoy. Yup, that is breakfast or even a snack in under two minutes! The taste is wonderful and I enjoyed the whole cherries very much. I have added dried fruit to my oatmeal in the past but never thought of cherries, it’s like a pie in the morning without the guilt! This cup will not hurt your New Year’s resolutions or your pocket book because it’s just $1.79 a cup. @Quaker / #RealMedleys
- Quaker Website: http://bit.ly/SisCEf
- Influenster Quaker Real Medleys Oatmeal Product Page: http://bit.ly/U1EaIY
The above article is based on my own opinions and none of the brand/companies require I provide a negative and/or positive review. My opinions are honest and based on trying the products at zero cost. My opinions may vary from yours and others.
Monday, January 7, 2013
BzzAgent Covergirl BlastFlipstick

I was fortunate again in being able to participate in another BzzAgent campaign and I received 3 Blast Flipsticks (in Stunner, Vixen and Minx), coupons to share and a beautiful glossy book to Bzz and share with friends.
The new Flipsticks (www.covergirl.com/flipstick) comes in 13 beautiful colors and each stick has two tones (think of 2-in-1). You can easily get several looks for daytime wear to that blast of color that goes perfectly for night wear. I found myself mixing colors from other Flipsticks, so the possibilities are endless. This is not your typical "bargain" lipstick, the price is fair but the quality and staying power is there. The pigments in the colors remain through out the day and when the product wears off, you are not left with those lip outlines or worse, lip creases like with other products. The best way to describe how it feels when wearing, is creamy. No glossy stickiness and I found the Flipsticks to be nourishing. Even though we have been hit with several cold snaps, I did not experience any dry lips. Many times I have to nourish my lips with a balm before applying any color to my lips but not with Covergirl Flipsticks. No lip color bleeding and my lips looked alive through the colder than usual Winter we have been experiencing.
My favorite is Minx! You just get those lovely bronzy and copper hues that make it look like you foiled your lips. The shimmer is present but you control the sparkle. Trust me, you do not look like you have been kissing a glitter pot! The color gets so many compliments and I have been asked so many times what color or brand am I wearing....you know it's working when you get asked!
My next favorite part are the wonderful $2.00 off coupons that BzzAgent and Covergirl included in this kit. They were so generous and I was even able to share with strangers at the store. I found that Target and CVS were the best source for the variety of colors I was interested in. I was able to pick-up Intense and Whisper there. The other color, Snap, I found to be my second favorite because it has more neutral tones from the entire collection.
I highly recommend trying at least one Blast Flipstick and it sells itself! The color below Stunner, is like a ray of sunshine!
I received the above products at zero cost. I have no obligation to supply the company and/or manufacture with a positive or negative review. I share my honest opinion based on my own experience. Your opinion and experience may differ from mine.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Smiley360 Campaign: BIC 4-Color Pen
I received my pens part of the Smile.y campaign and I'm so happy. I loved them as a kid but I'm so giddy (<---- did I just say that?), I can't contain myself. I got the giggles and the little shrieks when I was opening the package. Thankfully, it is not a blister pack because I was tearing it open so quickly, that you will note one pen is packaged and the other is not. Too excited, I just did not wait and take a picture before opening and it was so torn up.........I almost (I said almost) blamed the dog for getting to it if I posted a picture.
They write better because BIC over the years has perfected their pen points but that could also be because I'm not pushing as hard as I did when I wrote as a kid. The spring seems to not snap back and hit you hard when you change ink colors too. I always got what felt like a rubber-band snapping on my fingertip because over time the spring would get sort of wild in there. I got two pens in medium point but I saw there is a fine point. You know I'm getting it! I loved these pens so much, my father found one huge one from China that had like 14 colors. I used that one until it just stopped working. Over the years I missed them and even have an old BIC, boxed in the attic, with my school stuff (yup, it's broken), so this was a nice gift Santa BIC sent me.
I of course highly recommend getting one and no reason needs to be stated. The pen causes smiles from the writer to the person who receives a colorful (fun-filled) note. Try to text in 4 colors, you can't! So, welcome to writing again :) One pen is for a friend and right now (after they read this) I know they will be friendlier to me and I shall see who is worthy of this reward :).
Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods & Oils, Natural Hemp Hearts
I received a trial size package of Hemp Hearts from Swaggable and I was very curious to try the product, since I have never had it before. Before receiving my sample, I did make sure to look up the seed so I would get an idea about was coming. I did learn that the product is exactly what is called, the heart (middle) portion of the seed and is considered the most nutritious part. The product comes shelled and in it's raw state. Another notable thing to share, Hemp hearts have more protein than Flax or even Chia seeds. The difference is quite notable at 10.0 grams per three tablespoons, compared to Flax having 5.6 grams and Chia Seeds 6.3 grams. Flax does not contain Omega-6 but Hemp does. Omega-3 is found in Hemp Hearts and you also will find it's the lowest in Carbs compared to Flax and Chia. A powerful little seed indeed.
The above is all great but the product has to be palatable for it to even be in the running. I know from my experience, Chia Seeds when they plump in liquid (even your own saliva), they tend to get sort of slimy/sticky so that can be a turn off in texture. I have consumed energy bars that contain the Chia Seeds and hours later, I have seedlings stuck in my teeth so now I make sure to rinse after. The Hemp Hearts advertise a nutty flavor and they do deliver it but it's not intense. Think of how almond slivers taste in their raw state. The company also listed "tender crunch" in their description of the product. I did find a slight hardness but not a crunch at all and this was eating the product as-is, without adding it to any food. I imagine the "crunch" may depreciate once introduced to a wet food like yogurt. The company advertises to sprinkle on salads , cereals and yogurt, however I found it was nice on toast with some preserves (apricot). In this application, I found you get the nutty notes nicely and it goes well with the preserves. The whole tender crunch to slightly hard issue is non-existent because the toast makes up for it. I did like the recipe they included and it was for a Southwest Salad that contained Quinoa and I could easily imagine the flavors blending perfectly. Lastly, I would purchase this product because of it's health benefits but I would not consume it out of the bag as-is. It's too "white rice" like for me when it comes to being plain. I need something added to appreciate it.
Other things of note: The product is part of the NON-GMO project so that's a plus. Vegan and made in Canada. The ingredient's list does not get more simple: Raw Shelled Hemp seeds (no sugar or salt). I may try baking oatmeal cookies I make with dark chocolate and "amping" up it's benefits with these seeds. I am curious as to how they bake and if the nutty flavor intensifies. The company, Manitoba Harvest also makes Hemp Oil and other products so I am again curios because I have never tried Hemp Oil :) Visit them at www.manitobaharvest.com
I received this product for zero charge from Swaggable. I am not obligated to provide a negative and/or positive review, my honest opinions are my own based on my experience. Your opinion may differ from mine
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Influenster VoxBox Holiday 2012 Edition
I was a very good girl this year and the Influenster (@Influenster) Santa rewarded me with a Holiday VoxBox just in time to enjoy saying goodbye to 2012. I have mentioned before being thrilled with this program but they always find more ways to make me smile. Pretty soon I will need some anti-aging cream to get rid of these smile lines! www.facebook.com/influenster www.twitter.com/influenster Let's get to it:
The Holiday VoxBox 2012 contained seven dazzling items to make me look and feel my best!
We start with Quaker's Real Medley's Oatmeal in Cherry Pistachio. This product took oatmeal to that next level and shook the boring out of the oats. You will notice the "plus" (+) in the label and that is because this is a product that contains other grains. You start with Oatmeal plus whole cherries, roasted almonds, pistachios, and multigrains. The multi-grain blend is as follows, whole grain rolled Oats, rolled Barley, whole grain rolled Rye and whole grain rolled Wheat. You get a nice jolt of fiber to keep you full and satisfied and at 290 calories per cup (for this flavor), it helps start your new year with a smile. It gets better, no cooking required or even a pot or bowl to clean. You simply add H2O, give it a loving stir so everything gets wet, put cup in the microwave and in 45 seconds you take it out. You stir, let stand for a minute and enjoy. Yup, that is breakfast or even a snack in under two minutes! The taste is wonderful and I enjoyed the whole cherries very much. I have added dried fruit to my oatmeal in the past but never thought of cherries, it's like a pie in the morning without the guilt! This cup will not hurt your New Year's resolutions or your pocket book because it's just $1.79 a cup. @Quaker / #RealMedleys
After I enjoy my Oatmeal, I must get my lips pretty and shiny so Influenster included the NYC New York Color Liquid shine. I was sent color no. 582 in Nude York City (get it! :) ). This Nude color is perfect because it does not have those yellow tones that can cause hues that make you look more sickly than Natural. You get a nice dose of peach with a touch of pink....my perfect Nude tone! It goes perfectly with my skin and hair color and because it's neutral, it goes with whatever eye color I wear. This is my third time getting this product and I love everything about it, from the price point at just $2.49 a tube to how this formula is not sticky but creamy. It floats nicely on your lips and when it wears down, you do not get those tint lines on your lips...it just wears away and you can easily re-apply. I have glosses I have shamefully paid $19 and up for one color, but NYC has 10 on-trend shades from natural nudes, to berries and even fuchsias. I'm a quality over quantity girl but because you do not skimp on quality with NYC New York Color lipshines, the math is simple- for the cost of about $25...you could own all 10! Yeah, you can't beat that. @nycnewyorkcolor / #LiquidLipshine
Tired of waiting for nails to dry? Kiss that problem goodbye with Kiss Nail Dress! You can choose from 21 different styles and your no waiting to dry manicure lasts up to 10 days. Instant satisfaction for just $6.99 and that supplies you with 28 strip bands. You pretty much get 2 applications per box and these strips can also be applied to your toe nails, if you wish to match. I so do not miss those toe wedges and walking on my heels because for some reason it always seems my toe nails take longer to dry than the nails on my hands. I loved being able to do my nails on the same day I had a function (New Year's Eve for me) and not fretting about it. It took my 30 minutes and when I was done with my little toe, I did not have to wait and was wearing heels the next minute. No quick-dry top coat can deliver these results! The great part is that you can skip on applying a top coat because the stickers have it built-in! Kiss thought of everything! @KissProducts / #KissNailDress
I have not been as spiffy as I want to be since the holidays passed us and trying to de-Christmasify the house, plus everything that has to be done in the New Year....well I admit it (waves little white flag), I can't hang like I use to. No worries because this is where Influenster must have heard my thoughts because they sent me EBOOST. I try to stay away from anything that has artificial stimulants because they give me pep for a few hours but then I feel worse than before I took the product. It's like the worst regret you can feel and sometimes I even get a headache for what I refer to as, "trying to cheat my body and make it think it's energized". EBOOST does not do this! Yes, I can now cheat and get away with it, this what I wanted and needed! It clearly states on the package "Natural Energy" and I got to try the Natural Pink Lemonade flavor. Very yummy and not over sweetened at all. I actually felt it was better tasting than the other brands that come in package form (even in the same flavor). You get the full care package from EBOOST because it gives you energy and Immunity benefits. I like being taken care of and all I need to supply, is 12 fluid ounces of water! You don't care for Pink Lemonade? EBOOST has super flavors like Orange, Acai Pomegranate and even Super Berry. I liked it and I did feel energized plus with the flu season always threatening to be worse than the last, I need shielding and an immunity boost wherever I can get it! You can purchase EBOOST for $28 and that supplies you with 20 packets or $39 for for box of 30. You also can opt for the box of 12 shots for $39. @EBOOST / #naturalenergy
I cut five inches off my hair and my hair is still long but looks so much healthier. To insure my locks stay beautiful, Influenster provided me with what I call a brush and towel all-in-one. They sent me the Goody QuickStyle Brush in the "paddle" form. The paddle styler has microfiber bristles, which remove 30% of water as you style. YES!!! This means less damage from heat when I use my blow-dryer! Healthy hair that dries quicker not only saves you time but your hair will thank you. I also noticed my hair was shinier after I used the brush and I feared having little blue fuzzies after use but not one and even had Hubby check. It passed the test so much that I retired (trashed it) my former brush. At $11.99 for either Paddle or Half Round styler, I'm worth it! @GoodyHair / #QuikStyle
This box is really a head to toe treatment. I not only have so far been fed, gotten my nails done, given energy when sluggish, but here comes the thing that every girl desires and doesn't know why are so drawn to them, SHOES! Influenster and Sole Society teamed up and created a powerful offer that I can share with you. You want what pretty much equals to half off for certain styles of shoes? I do...I do... and here it goes: Visit www.SoleSociety.com and use code: INFLUENSTER25 at check-out to get $25.00 off your first purchase. I visited and bought a pair of black heals because shipping is FREE both ways. Yes, if the shoe does not work, no worries because you pay $0.00 to return it. I dislike being punished by an oopsie on size and because shoes vary how they feel and fit with so many styles, no punishment here. I love it!! I also love shoes and I was so hoping to not find a pair I liked because Santa gave me two pairs for Christmas but Sole Society had so many cuties, that it took me 3 days to settle on the pair I wanted to try. I will share when they arrive! They also have a buy-one-get-one free (BOGO) going so my closet will be colorful soon. With Spring and Summer coming....who am I fooling? I always find a reason to buy shoes! @solesociety / #PerfectPair
Based on demographics, some Influenster members received the Montagne Jeunesse Face Masks. These packs cost just under $2! I know, it's just too great to believe and they have so many to choose from so you are not stuck with a huge jar when you need another variety. I received the Fruit Smoothie in Crushed Raspberry. This product is a deep pore cleaning masque and smells as delicious as it sounds. It has Mango too! I entered 2013 with a less than bright complexion but after just 15 minutes, I had baby soft skin that glowed like I did not stay up too late on New Year's Eve. I quickly googled and saw that ULTA has these and I drove out the next day and picked up 6 masques. I love the clays they use and my skin did not breakout the following day because it does not over strip your skin. I will be using the Montagne brand from now on because I'm a true believer that there are many great companies that can make you beautiful without emptying your pocket book! @MontagneJeuness / #FaceMasque
Later in the week, after I received my VoxBox, I received an e-mail stating there is a bonus box coming and it's a book. Yup, now even my brain is being cared for by Influenster. You have got to sign-up for this company and realize all my products above cost a whopping $0.00. I have invites, so feel free to ask me and I shall share!
The above article is based on my own opinions and none of the brand/companies require I provide a negative and/or positive review. My opinions are honest and based on trying the products at zero cost. My opinions may vary from yours and others.