Cocomama Foods was kind enough to send me a sampler pack, which featured their 4 different varieties of Quinoa cereal. I indulge in the morning and usually want to start with a nice energy filled meal. Getting anything at the store that comes from a box may energize a hummingbird with the amounts of sugar added, however I can't flap that fast. I'm seeking energy that lasts so I can keep going at a normal pace and Cocomama Quinoa based cereals fit that perfectly.
Got milk? No worries, their pouch form servings are perfect and ready to eat. No need for a stove or even watts from a microwave. You can enjoy the cereal heated or at room temperature. I love the ease of customization because sometimes I want to add fruit and especially when I buy more strawberries than a family of 2 can eat. What can I say, the sales get to me and I have plans at the store that do not always come to fruition at home. I also love the no excuses approach to starting your day in a more healthier way. You seriously can grab a spoon and eat from the pouch on the go, or be a little more civilized if you did not hit the snooze button twice that morning and enjoy it in a bowl, warmed up with a drizzle of honey and fresh fruit.
Cocomama has a Quinoa Cereal to satisfy any craving and avoid breakfast boredom:
- Honey Almond
- Banana Cinnamon
- Wild Bluberry
- Orange Cranberry
Each flavor has real fruit and the shortest ingredient list I have seen in a pre-packaged cereal. You have water and coconut cream that creates the perfect base, followed by organic quinoa, a touch of sea salt and then whatever the variety is. For example, the Banana Cinnamon flavor has the aforementioned and then maple syrup, banana puree, natural flavors and cinnamon.......told you Cocomama is real food with no codes and abbreviations for stuff you hope you are guessing right when it comes to ingredients. I tried finding a simple cereal like this and could not at my local market. I would have to make it from scratch! All cereals are dairy free, soy free, gluten free, all natural, vegetarian friendly, great source of protein and fiber and let's not overlook the 9 essential amino acids you get in every serving.
- Cocomama Quinoa Cereal in Wild Blueberry- This is the happiest blue colored bowl that puts a smile on your face. Made with wild blueberry powder, there is no hunting for blueberries to taste them! You get a blueberry burst of flavor and the smell immiting from the bowl is intense as well. If you want to pretend you are in a blueberry patch minus the thorns from picking them, this is the bowl for you. I enjoyed a nice "patriotic bowl" by adding fresh strawberries and fresh blueberries, plus some yogurt chips. One filling pouch is just 220 calories, which deliver 4 grams of protein, 8% of your daily value of Vitamin C and Iron, plus 4% of Calcium.
- Cocomama Quinoa Cereal in Honey Almond- I always craved the maple and brown sugar oatmeal that was pictured on the box but my oatmeal never looked like the picture or even satisfied my taste buds. If you seek that flavor, this is the variety for you! You have sweet delicious honey and a small hint of Almond. Want more almond? Add them and I have but this base is better than any oatmeal you can make and that is even if you opted for milk versus water. This version also has kaniwa, a ancient super grain/super food that is less bitter and resembles almost red quinoa. Think of a naked quinoa grain because kaniwa is missing the saponins, the outter coating you find on quinoa. It has a more mild flavor but still that great texture. That is another thing you will enjoy, like pasta, grains must be rinsed and cooked properly to achieve the best texture we all seek and Cocomama does just that. A Honey Almond bowl is only 240 calories and you get 5 grams of protein per serving, 8% of your daily value of Iron and 2% of Calcium.
- Cocomama Quinoa Cereal in Banana Cinnamon- I love bananas and especially bread but only myself and the dog eats them, so I rarely make banana anything. Now I can have my "nanner" fix and be happy. Want a super banana taste? Use a fork and mash a small banana and then nicely fold in this Cocomama cereal and heat for 25 seconds in a microwave.......the smell alone is insanely good but wait for it to cool before taking a bite. My taste-buds took control of my brain one morning and they got the best of me or to be more exact, my tongue. The wait will be worth it and you will be in what I call "nanner heaven". I also seek a more mild cinnamon spice flavor, so this made the bowl perfection for me......think of a deconstructed banana bread slice.
- Cocomama Quinoa Cereal in Orange Cranberry- I wish this combination of flavors was more popular than just during the holidays. I can find even cranberry sauce and muffins during December but then the party is over, the year flips and I see no Cran-Orange anything. Now I can party all year because whoever said this is just a Winter treat knows nothing! You have moist cranberries floating in sea of orange juice plumped quinoa. Again, every bite delivers the flavor and the scent is just citrus-y and happy. I was so excited when I saw this combo in the sampler pack because it's what I seek to not get into that breakfast rut. I was naughty and added just a teaspoon of mini dark chocolate's like having an oatmeal cookie without those disappointing raisins. Oatmeal cookies should be made like this and trust me they would sell........makes me wonder if adding a little rice flour and honey would probably make this pouch into one pretty yummy cookie (hint, hint).
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As if Cocomama Foods needed to add more to their breakfast or late night meal arsenal, they have come out with a brand-new product.....Crunched Out! I can't wait to try it and from the pictures below, you can see something like Fudgy Chocolate and I see a Vanilla Nut flavor and yes, I would even put it on my coconut sorbet....eating good sometimes makes me feel guilty because for some, eating good is seen as a punishment. Well, you are not doing it right then! Eating good is full of flavor and I eat everything but it's just real and natural, with a mix of organic even. Real food delivers the entire fruit, grain......what gives your body energy and fuel to run on. Start your morning with Cocomama and your body will be running on happy!
Check out Crunched Out:
- Support Cocomama on Kickstarter-
Stay tuned for the Crunched Out reviews and I will be releasing the crunch monster in me, it's sort of like the kraken but I'm friendlier :)
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I received the above product free of charge from Cocomama. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.
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