In my continuous effort to try every yogurt out there, I found Siggi. What is a Siggi's yogurt? Well, I first was drawn in by their very clean and low-key look. Then I saw their motto of, " simple ingredients and not a lot of sugar", on the packaging. That is how I eat, cook, well practically live. Yes, I bake and often but I don't enjoy very sugary or very salty foods. I like to taste the flavors nature provides in their simplicity. As I always do, I went over to Sprout's market and got lost in the yogurt aisle. I even blocked some people while I reached as far as I could to get the blueberry bottle of Siggi's Filmjolk. I was fortunate to have the company send me coupons because I wanted to feature them on my site after my husband and I shared just one cup of Siggi's Blueberry yogurt. Yes, one cup is all it took for me to get on the "Siggi's......oh, dear goodness I love you", wagon! It's not greek and it's a texture and recipe that's all it's own. It's rich but not super milky in taste, just creamy and whatever the flavor on the package shows, that is all you get with a touch of sweetness. That is all! Simple, good and now we always with a high tone say, "Seeeee-ggy", when we reach for it. I do wonder what people think of us! :)
I did not get a coupon for the Filmjolk but you know when you have tried something from a company and it surpassed all your expectations? Well, Siggi's did this so I just took the plunge and grabbed the last bottle of Filmjolk Sprout's had in stock. I get home and I can't wait for breakfast and sort of regret I had dinner already because a "dinfast" or "Breakinner" would have been perfect but off I go to get my beauty sleep.
The next morning, I wake-up tired and you know it went away once I knew my curiosity of what Siggi's drinkable yogurt version was going to be like. Being that blueberries are at a reasonable price, plus I had just shopped for fruit, and I had granola in hand.......well, it was the breakfast of champions I created. Siggi makes a yogurt that leaves a zero film in your mouth or throat, but remains creamy in texture when eaten. I love it and not only did I fall in love when I took the "sniff" test, I knew right there and then to pour it over my banana, peach, blueberries, and granola breakfast......more what my husband calls my morning "scatter". The yogurt is not bitter or sour, just think of being left with a clean palette and whatever fruit you picked as the after-taste. Refreshing and also fills you.
Ingredients as listed from the site:
- Blueberries
- Cane Sugar
- Fruit Pectin
- Live Active Cultures
- Pasteurized Skim Milk
That is all!
Great health benefits too like:
Live Cultures
Bifidobacterium sp., L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. casei, L. lactis subsp. cremoris, L. lactis subsp. lactis, L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis, L. rhamnosus, Leuconostoc subsp. cremoris, S. thermophilus
Probiotic Cultures Per Serving
L. casei + B. lactis 1billion
Just 120 calories for a very generous and healthy serving of 8 ounces. You can drink, eat, use it as you would kefir to even baking with it and that is exactly what I did and of course it has a blueberry theme too. I will be posting my Siggi's Blueberry Bread recipe soon so stay tuned but while you wait, have a Siggi anything and I mean will forget the Greeks and become an Icelandic yogurt fan too!
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I received the above product(s) free of charge from Siggi's. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.
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