See, we used to frequent the L.A. County Fair. Every year, without fail, we'd be in line opening day to be some of the first people through the gate. The food, the neat bric-a-brac, the food, the animals, the food. Did I mention the food? We even had season passes one year. Then, as is now the norm in Southern California, prices started jumping higher and higher. Not incremental increases mind you, but by leaps and bounds. Getting in and parking? Nearly $40. Footlong hotdog, fries and a drink? $25. Each. We were down nearly $100 by lunch. No thank you.
Hubby loved the BBQ. I liked it, he loved it. And it made us both sad to say "Buh-bye" to real, Southern style BBQ. So we bit the bullet, bought a smoker, and through much trial and error, duplicated (or improved on) everything we loved from the Fair. Hubby has become a regular pit master, and there's not much he doesn't do well on a grill. Prime rib for the holidays? Check. Steaks, chicken, burgers? Child's play. Roasts, ribs, whole birds? Done and done. Whole smoked turkey for Thanksgiving? Oh, yes.
So w
Start with 4 total ingredients: Turkey legs, peanut oil, fresh cracked black pepper and the secret to a smokey, yummy turkey leg.......
Gourmet Nut's Northwest Alderwood Smoked Sea Salt. I was blown away by the taste and smell of this salt. We have smoked salts, a few actually. None so far blew us away like this one did. Just amazing. Hubby thought we could get away with doing them in the oven. But we didn't. Rub the oil on the legs, add the pepper and salt, and you're good to go.
Here's another secret: Make use of your leftover heat. We have a little Weber Smokey Joe grill that sees a lot of use, since it's just us two. And hubby uses mostly natural lump coal and real wood chunks and chips. But when you make a quick couple of steaks or burgers, you now have a grill full of heat and flavor...what's a guy to do? Usually some hot links, or a roast. But today, it was turkey legs. Take your coals pile them up to one side, and put the legs on the other side, for what's called "indirect cooking". He threw a handful of hickory chips, covered it up, and we ate dinner. He snuck out a couple of times to turn and rotate for even cooking, but as he was told many years ago when it comes to "low & slow" cooking: "If you lookin', you ain't cookin'".
Three hours or so later, and voila...Eat your heart out, LA County Fair. You are officially old and busted. Enter the new hotness: Smoked Turkey Legs featuring Gourmet Nut's Northwest Alderwood Smoked Sea Salt. I've now used this sea salt on just about everything, and there's no dish it hasn't enhanced. I love the aroma once it hits warm food, it's intoxicating! One of my favorite finishing salts, by far. If you don't see it at your local grocery store, be sure to have them special order it or you! You won't believe how you got by without it!
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I received the above product(s) free of charge from Gourmet Nut. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.
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