The new year means new shows and on January 23rd, we started off with the Premiere Party for TLC's new show, Love, Lust or Run. The show is hosted by Stacy London and as always, she is helping someone from a fashion disaster, or better described like someone who is a repeat offender and commits a fashion felony on an everyday basis! Stacy London revamps a person in each episode, and this is not just to pick a better cut of jeans, this is a top to bottom re-do. Make-up, hair, shoes, you name it.....Stacy fixes it.

TLC provided all the fixin's to get us started and celebrating Love, Lust or Run, because you can't talk about others when you are not shining yourself. The party kit included:
- Love, Lust or Run paddles
- Love, Lust or Run large handheld mirror
- Love, Lust or Run Nail Polishes in a gorgeous silver color
- Love, Lust or Run Nail files and buffers
- Love, Lust or Run Hair Make-up remover
- Love, Lust or Run Hair bands
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Of course gamming it up takes energy and time, so I made little finger cookies with the "TLC" logo. I figured we'd party with homemade alfajores, which I cut into heart shapes, filled with dulce de leche and dusted with unsweetened coconut. Hey, we are still dieting over here! Alfajores are cookies that are traditional to Spain and resemble a shortbread in both taste and texture.
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TLC's Love, Lust or Run party was very fun to watch and keeps us in line. Even though none of us suffer as badly as some of the guests on the show, it sure opened the door to point out certain fashion faux pas! Tune in on Fridays at 9:00 PM (CST) and have a few laughs, plus with Stacy London, you always learn a thing or two with every episode!

Connect with TLC's Love, Lust or Run at:
- On-line
- Stacy London on Pinterest
- TLC on Pinterest
- #LoveLustRunParty
- #Sponsored
I received the above product(s) free of charge from HouseParty and TLC . I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.
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