I'm always looking for a way to boost my body naturally. But I want things that have been proven to work. Not the latest "flash in the pan" fad supplement that some talking head on TV claims is a miracle pill or will cure all that ails me overnight. So about a year ago, when I turned 30-*mumbles* years old, I started taking CoQ10. It is an antioxidant that occurs naturally in the body, but tends to decrease with age. But taking a handful of supplements every morning and night gets...tiresome to say the least. Enter QSpeed's Fast Melt CoQ10 200mg tablets.

Used for years now to aid or combat everything from blood pressure and heart disease to even asthma, chronic fatigue, and high cholesterol. The jury is still out as to whether it aids at all in exercise performance, fatigue or diabetes. In fact, it's been all but disproven to be effective against things like Alzheimer's disease. So if you temper your expectations, QSpeed's CoQ10 can become an indispensable tool in maintaining your overall health and wellness.

A novel approach to getting your daily dose of healthy stuff is gummies. Or fast-melt tablets. I've already reviewed the former a while back, but now it's time for the latter. QSpeed's novel approach to a healthier lifestyle is their naturally-orange-flavored 200mg CoQ10 fast melt tablets. Coming in a 40 count blister pack, and lacking that usual chalky mouth feel, it's even sugar free (though it does have mannitol and sorbitol), gluten free, vegetarian, vegan, soy, milk, dairy, corn, sodium, preservatives, and uses non-GMO ingredients. No preservatives or artificial flavors. Just what you want, none of what you don't, quick, easy and simple. The taste is actually pretty good too. QSpeed has hit a lot of good metrics here, but for me, it missed the boat in one: Price.
The 40 tablets are currently priced at about $25. The recommended dose is one to two tablets per day. You can find comparable products for much less, as long as your OK with taking a pill the old fashioned way. So what it comes down to is convenience versus price. If you hate pills, or are just tired of taking them, then this is your huckleberry.

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I received the above product(s) free of charge from Speed Nutritionals. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.
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