I received this item from Quality Source Products and was amazed at the differences between the item pictured and the actual item delivered. In short, it is nothing at all like the item advertised. It has a defective attachment from the cord to th

Retail Price Point: $79.88 via Amazon as of 2/01/2015
It is a laser pointer. Dual color, broadcast over a wide area, but that's all. There is no timer, no on/off switch. It is not "low voltage". In fact, the AC adapter provided looks nothing like the power supply pictured. It gets hot quickly, has no way to control any functions, , no timer, and the only way to turn it off and on is to plug or unplug it, but I wouldn't be too concerned about that because the first morning's dew will probably short it out anyways since the power connection doesn't fit properly and won't lock. The "instructions" provided make mention of a remote control, but I'm not sure if it works with one or if they sell one. And if they did sell one, if it would even be compatible.
[gallery type="slideshow" ids="4575,4574,4573"]
The stake provided is cheap zinc, cast so shoddily it's crooked. The housing has a gob of black silicone that I suppose is meant to keep out moisture/water, except, it's pulled away from the housing by the cord, so it won't.
This is the item as pictured on Amazon:
[gallery type="slideshow" ids="4570,4569,4568"]
And this is what was delivered:
[gallery type="slideshow" ids="4565,4567,4571"]
Not even close.
I appreciate the company sending me this item to test, and I usually try to grade these things generously because I've not paid for them, but this thing is defective, dangerous and clearly not made to last. There's just so much wrong with it, I can't recommend it. In fact, I think it and the company should be avoided. And to add insult to injury, they picture something that they clearly are not selling, and pricing it high for reasons I can't discern. Purchase at your own risk.
Here's a view of what the promised results:

Here's what we got:

Again, not even close. What my pictures simply cannot convey is the overwhelming disorientation hundreds of little laser points cause. Spatial relationships are lost, and I almost felt dizzy. This is a bad product, with no practical applications and what's worse is they clearly don't care about quality of their product or the safety of their buyers. To add insult to (potential) injury, casting a laser pointer into the sky, as this is clearly designed to do, can be illegal in some places. I rarely have so many bad things to say about a product, but this company went above and beyond to do everything wrong here.
[gallery type="slideshow" ids="4578,4579"]
I received the above product(s) free of charge from QSP. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.
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