I have tried several brands of ProBiotics and PreBiotics that I can count. I know they aid with digestive health and even though I do not suffer from regular problems, there are days that I don't eat how I would want to and wanted something natural to correct what I was missing. I eat Greek yogurt on a daily basis in the morning and sometimes even add a little Coconut or Almond milk to my fruit, nut, seeds and granola bowl. Then comes the days where I am rushing and grab a bagel......not the best choice even if I tell myself Almond Butter is better than butter.

Accuflora, is that filler I need when I don't behave or noticed my Husband left literally one small spoonful of yogurt, so he would not be the one that had the last bite! Love that :) Accuflora, has five types of active cultures that you find in yogurt but convinently in one pill-
Active Probiotic Blend:
- Lactobacillus Acidophilus
- Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
- Bifidobacterium Bifidum
- Lactobacillus Salivarius
- Streptococcus Thermophilus
Each pill has a lasting or what I call "working" effect of 12 hours and you can take up to 2 pills a day, which means one bottle lasts 30 days. Pretty simple!

Retail Price Point: $6.99 via Amazon was the cheapest price I could locate. Then came Target at the non-sale price of $9.49, which with the coupon link below of $1.00 off makes it $8.49 and don't forget to make your savings stretch by using the RedCard for 5% more off.

Probiotic Blend: Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium Bifidum, Lactobacillus Salivarius, Streptococcus Thermophilus. Other Ingredients- Microcrystalline Cellulose, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Pectin, Guar Gum, Silica Dioxide, Stearic Acid and Turmeric.

I have had problems with these supplements in over-working my system and this is why I take them more as a reboot versus a daily dose. I eat well and have a balanced diet, plus I make sure to make my protein and calories count. A clean diet means that you only need to clean so much via supplements (in my case), so this is perfect for my bagel or only had time for an energy bar days. I get zero cramping and bloating like I would with other Probiotics and this is where I learned that if you eat yogurt with the aforementioned ingredients, supplementing can have adverse effects (too much of a good thing). Accuflora, also was perfect for taking after doing a round of antibiotics where they tend to kill everything, even the good bacteria. I found many instances where this filled that void and I don't have to commit to taking it everyday and can control the intake by 12 hour intervals, as the dosage is nicely divided. I like pills that work with how I eat and diet, so Accuflora is that Probiotic pill I have been looking for.

Connect with Accuflora and see what it can do for you at:
- On-line
- Amazon
- Target
- Coupon Link
- #Accuflora
I received the above product(s) free of charge from Accuflora. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.
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