Monday, August 18, 2014

~Nothin' But Love for These Treats~


Everyone loves cookies. Everyone. If you are some kind of space alien who doesn't love cookies, boy howdy have you been reading the wrong blog. I never pass up a chance to try a cookie or three, so when Nothin' But Foods offered up their granola cookies during summer diet time, I said "Thank you, sir, may I have another!". What's a few more crunches and a couple more minutes on the elliptical machine when it comes to cookies, amirite?



I really stepped in it, though, because these are goooooooooood. Like, "Ohmahgawd, I ate how many?!" good. When one thinks of granola cookies, you tend to think of hard, dry, crumbly, crunchy cookies that don't taste like much. I am thrilled to report that nothing could be further from the truth here. Chewy, moist, bursting with flavor is what Nothin' But's granola cookies are. I got to try both the Chocolate Coconut Almond and the Cherry Cranberry Almond varieties, and I'm hard pressed to pick a favorite between the two. But I have zero hesitation telling you that these are, hands down, far and away the BEST granola cookies I have ever had. Don't just take my word for it though. Hubby doesn't like either coconut or granola, and I had to hide the bags before he polished them off before I could review them. That's how good they are.



"Food from a kitchen Not a lab". Nothing But Premium Foods boasts "100% Natural, non-GMO, gluten free deliciousness, with no fillers, eggs, butter, and made in an kitchen not a lab", and they deliver in spades. 2 cookies are only 120 calories, with only 0.5 grams of saturated fat per serving, all while delivering 2 grams of dietary fiber and 3 grams of protein. And here's the trumpet card: You know, have heard of, and can pronounce every ingredient. Almonds. Oats. Honey. Cranberries. Cherries. Sea salt. Cinnamon. Vanilla. Semi-Sweet Chocolate. Espresso powder. I love when I don't need a chemistry book to know what I'm eating. I love that I probably have 90% of these things in my pantry already. I love that it's good enough for breakfast, yet tasty enough for dessert.



Did I mention they make snack bars too? In the above flavors as well as Ginger Lemon Cashew and Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate? Yeah, hands off, hubby. Or you'll lose a finger. These are MINE. There's gift assortments if he's interested, and behaves.






Since 2008, Nothin' But Foods has been making fantastic, wholesome treats, and putting the others to shame. Started by Jerri Graham after she got tired of processed, fake and nasty "foodstuffs" and wanting something better for her daughter, she decided to fill a niche in the market by making something good and making something real. She started small and grew with word of mouth and dedication. It's gotten to be a chore to find real foods in the the center isles of the markets. So much processed, shelf stable junk passed off as food. Jerri started in her kitchen making these with love, and it shows in the quality, flavor, and simplicity. There is an old adage that says "Do one thing, and do it well". So, well done, Nothin' But Foods. Well done indeed.

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Get your hands on some Nothin' But today, but int he meantime, reach out to them via:

I received the above product(s) free of charge from Nothin' But Premium Foods .  I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion.  My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.


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