Friday, May 30, 2014

Klout Perk: Red Bull #CamoCan Helping Heroes


I indulge in energy drinks and I always go for Red Bull when I do. This can goes beyond just delivering a great looking Klout perk, but it's the causes behind it that make it spectacular. Red Bull Camo Can benefits the Military Warriors Support Foundation and their Homes4WoundedHeroes and Homes4GoldStars programs. We are talking about providing mortgage-free homes to combat wounded heroes and their families, as well as spouses of fallen combat heroes. Each Camo can helps provide Iraq and Afghanistan combat heroes with housing and to date, five homes have been provided through this partnership, which is in it's third year!

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Support by purchasing a #CamoCan and you can also visit the following sites if you wish to learn more and/or contribute:

  • www.MilitaryWarriors.Org

  • @WariorsSupport

  • #Helping Heroes


  • @RedBull

  • #CamoCan

I received the above product(s) free of charge from Klout and Red Bull. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.

Siggi's Icelandic-style Yogurt: Blueberry filmjölk Swedish-style drinkable yogurt #Review


In my continuous effort to try every yogurt out there, I found Siggi. What is a Siggi's yogurt? Well, I first was drawn in by their very clean and low-key look. Then I saw their motto of, " simple ingredients and not a lot of sugar", on the packaging. That is how I eat, cook, well practically live. Yes, I bake and often but I don't enjoy very sugary or very salty foods. I like to taste the flavors nature provides in their simplicity. As I always do, I went over to Sprout's market and got lost in the yogurt aisle. I even blocked some people while I reached as far as I could to get the blueberry bottle of Siggi's Filmjolk. I was fortunate to have the company send me coupons because I wanted to feature them on my site after my husband and I shared just one cup of Siggi's Blueberry yogurt. Yes, one cup is all it took for me to get on the "Siggi's......oh, dear goodness I love you", wagon! It's not greek and it's a texture and recipe that's all it's own. It's rich but not super milky in taste, just creamy and whatever the flavor on the package shows, that is all you get with a touch of sweetness. That is all! Simple, good and now we always with a high tone say, "Seeeee-ggy", when we reach for it. I do wonder what people think of us! :)

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I did not get a coupon for the Filmjolk but you know when you have tried something from a company and it surpassed all your expectations? Well, Siggi's did this so I just took the plunge and grabbed the last bottle of Filmjolk Sprout's had in stock.  I get home and I can't wait for breakfast and sort of regret I had dinner already because a "dinfast" or "Breakinner" would have been perfect but off I go to get my beauty sleep.


The next morning, I wake-up tired and you know it went away once I knew my curiosity of what Siggi's drinkable yogurt version was going to be like. Being that blueberries are at a reasonable price, plus I had just shopped for fruit, and I had granola in hand.......well, it was the breakfast of champions I created. Siggi makes a yogurt that leaves a zero film in your mouth or throat, but remains creamy in texture when eaten. I love it and not only did I fall in love when I took the "sniff" test, I knew right there and then to pour it over my banana, peach, blueberries, and granola breakfast......more what my husband calls my morning "scatter".  The yogurt is not bitter or sour, just think of being left with a clean palette and whatever fruit you picked as the after-taste.  Refreshing and also fills you.

Ingredients as listed from the site:

  • Blueberries

  • Cane Sugar

  • Fruit Pectin

  • Live Active Cultures

  • Pasteurized Skim Milk

That is all!

Great health benefits too like:

Live Cultures

Bifidobacterium sp., L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. casei, L. lactis subsp. cremoris, L. lactis subsp. lactis, L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis, L. rhamnosus, Leuconostoc subsp. cremoris, S. thermophilus

Probiotic Cultures Per Serving

L. casei + B. lactis 1billion

Just 120 calories for a very generous and healthy serving of 8 ounces.  You can drink, eat, use it as you would kefir to even baking with it and that is exactly what I did and of course it has a blueberry theme too.  I will be posting my Siggi's Blueberry Bread recipe soon so stay tuned but while you wait, have a Siggi anything and I mean will forget the Greeks and become an Icelandic yogurt fan too!

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Connect with Siggi's:

  • Online- [embed][/embed]

  • Facebook- [embed][/embed]

  • Pinterest-

  • Twitter- [embed][/embed]

[caption id="attachment_3520" align="aligncenter" width="300"]My local Target carries the Siggi's Yogurt Tubes in Blueberry & Raspberry My local Target carries the Siggi's Yogurt Tubes in Blueberry & Strawberry[/caption]


I received the above product(s) free of charge from Siggi's.  I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion.  My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.




Klout Perk: People V.I.P. Perk with 3 month Magazine Subscription and World's Most Beautiful gift box #PEOPLEVIP


Another great Klout perk! Who doesn't love getting boxes filled with goodies? Certainly not this gal! This one had a nice mix of items from jewelry to nail polish, and all courtesy of People's Magazine. Definitely a great way in getting that V.I.P. feeling across! They call the items below Editor's Pick and that means People's Magazine did the hard work of testing things out to knowing what is currently H-O-T at the moment!



Let's get started on the goodies.......



1. Hungry Girl: Chew the Right Thing

A cute but also informational diet book that helps in making better choices when it comes to eating. Perfect timing with Summer creeping closer and that means swimsuit weather too. You don't want to eat yourself out of a bikini and this little set gives you 50 recipe cards filled with less guilty versions of the food you enjoy munching on. The low caloric versions range from everything like sweet treats, drinks, to full meals. Easy to follow and playful at the same time!



2. Zoya Nail Polish in color Rue
I have tried most brands out there of nail polishes and I once owned a Zoya in a red hue, however it was a bright red and so not me that I gave it away. Wanting to gift it to someone meant not trying it and I always pondered about the brand, many a times walking around Ulta with a bottle but never making the commitment to actually buy it and taking it home. I love neutral shades and I am guilty of purchasing the same color but from different brands. I don't mean to but there are those tones that just make you smile and this Rue color is it for me. I love how it is a shade that goes with any season and any mood. It's pretty, noticeable but does not scream out, "look at my nails" sort of just goes with the flow kind of color. I also became a fan of Zoya's formula because it makes me look like an expert when applying even when I try convincing my left paw to stop shaking.  I was able to do a polka dot accent nail because it was one of my better less shaking going on nail polishing days!

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3. Professional Hair Detangler
A comb-slash-brush but without a stick. You would think it's like a broken brush and what' the fuss? It comes down to control and less stress to your hair. The wand on a brush tends to make you put out more "umph" and this is why so many times we accidentally pull on (or out) our own hair even when it's ourselves doing the brushing. I'm not into pain and much less tangles, so this little palm miracle makes we have less ouch and I can use it with wet or dry hair. I also like that there is no stick to deal with, so it travels well too.


4. Delicate Spring Bracelet
A gold accented bracelet that is light on the wrist and can easily be combined with other items to get that "stackable" look we are seeing with everything. We layered clothes for a while, so it seems we are now doing it with our accessories too. I liked the gold shimmer part but the plastic blue wires were just not me. I will not be tossing this piece away but with a little D.I.Y, I will be making this into something that is more "me" and that is the whole point when it comes to looks, you go with what you like!


5. Chevron Beauty Set
Three different sized bags that feature a nice green colored chevron pattern. I have make-up bags that I store inside other make-up bags because every bag has been used, needed, and even borrowed at one point. Easy closure and I love that these are also wipe-able inside. I'm not a make-up spill"er" but my purses are spotless because these baggies have saved me one time or another. Purses get dropped, stepped on to I have caught my husband using mine as an arm rest. I now still yell but with less spazing if anything was crushed and made a mess. I also use the larger one for half frozen water bottles that are cold and sweat....sort of like when you go to see a movie and don't want to pay $6 for 8 ounces of H2o. Not that I'm giving you ideas or anything :)


6. People Magazine Subscription
I am reader of all magazines and this usually comes about that I run out of things to read and I'll read anything for entertainment. I'm not a huge celebrity follower but enjoy entertainment news, like what is coming out soon to what got axed that I just started watching. People's has it all, to shopping tips and even make-up advice. I will be enjoying my 3 months of entertainment along with my goodies!

I have said it before and if this box does not convince you, I have no idea what will.  Join Klout!  It's a great way to experience what you already like and also a bit of the new so you can change up now and then.  I was unsure I would enjoy People's Magazine and wrote it off in the past but I just learned a new thing, I actually found articles I enjoyed to even coupons!


  • Connect with Klout on-line- [embed][/embed]

  • See what is new with People's Magazine at- [embed][/embed]

  • People's Magazine via Twitter- [embed][/embed]

  • People's Magazine via Facebook- [embed][/embed]

  • #PeopleVIP

I received the above product(s) free of charge from Klout and People's Magazine.  I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion.  My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Smoked Turkey Legs with Gourmet Nut's Northwest Alderwood Smoked Sea Salt...Yes Please!!

I am very fortunate. Not only do I have my hubby who goes out of his way to make sure I never lack for "special" eats, I get to try awesome goodies from awesome companies. Companies like Gourmet Nut, who have lines of treats and seasonings that enhance ANY dish. Like hubby's County Fair Smoked Turkey Legs.



See, we used to frequent the L.A. County Fair. Every year, without fail, we'd be in line opening day to be some of the first people through the gate. The food, the neat bric-a-brac, the food, the animals, the food. Did I mention the food? We even had season passes one year. Then, as is now the norm in Southern California, prices started jumping higher and higher. Not incremental increases mind you, but by leaps and bounds. Getting in and parking? Nearly $40. Footlong hotdog, fries and a drink? $25. Each. We were down nearly $100 by lunch. No thank you.

Hubby loved the BBQ. I liked it, he loved it. And it made us both sad to say "Buh-bye" to real, Southern style BBQ. So we bit the bullet, bought a smoker, and through much trial and error, duplicated (or improved on) everything we loved from the Fair. Hubby has become a regular pit master, and there's not much he doesn't do well on a grill. Prime rib for the holidays? Check. Steaks, chicken, burgers? Child's play. Roasts, ribs, whole birds? Done and done. Whole smoked turkey for Thanksgiving? Oh, yes.

So wIMAG0926-1-1hen I decided I'd done without that old fair staple of stoked turkey legs long enough, I told hubby so. And sure enough, I got some fresh and beautiful turkey legs from Sprout's Farmer's Market. At less than $5 for two, it's a no-brainer. And with summer right around the corner, and 100° heat coming, it feels like it's time for summer grillin'. Normally my recipes are pretty involved and detailed, but as this is a hubby recipe, it's simple, straightforward and easy.

Start with 4 total ingredients: Turkey legs, peanut oil, fresh cracked black pepper and the secret to a smokey, yummy turkey leg.......


Gourmet Nut's Northwest Alderwood Smoked Sea Salt.  I was blown away by the taste and smell of this salt. We have smoked salts, a few actually. None so far blew us away like this one did. Just amazing. Hubby thought we could get away with doing them in the oven. But we didn't. Rub the oil on the legs, add the pepper and salt, and you're good to go.





Here's another secret: Make use of your leftover heat. We have a little Weber Smokey Joe grill that sees a lot of use, since it's just us two. And hubby uses mostly natural lump coal and real wood chunks and chips. But when you make a quick couple of steaks or burgers, you now have a grill full of heat and flavor...what's a guy to do? Usually some hot links, or a roast. But today, it was turkey legs. Take your coals pile them up to one side, and put the legs on the other side, for what's called "indirect cooking". He threw a handful of hickory chips, covered it up, and we ate dinner. He snuck out a couple of times to turn and rotate for even cooking, but as he was told many years ago when it comes to "low & slow" cooking: "If you lookin', you ain't cookin'".


Three hours or so later, and voila...Eat your heart out, LA County Fair. You are officially old and busted. Enter the new hotness: Smoked Turkey Legs featuring Gourmet Nut's Northwest Alderwood Smoked Sea Salt. I've now used this sea salt on just about everything, and there's no dish it hasn't enhanced. I love the aroma once it hits warm food, it's intoxicating! One of my favorite finishing salts, by far. If you don't see it at your local grocery store, be sure to have them special order it or you! You won't believe how you got by without it!


Get in touch with, or find out where to buy Gourmet Nut's fantastic products by visiting them:

I received the above product(s) free of charge from Gourmet Nut.  I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion.  My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Giveaway Time: Rigoni di Asiago Nocciolata Box filled with goodies ENTER TO WIN


Starting today and until June 1'st, you can enter to win the above package, which I received from Rigoni di Asiago.  The box came filled with goodies that you can taste and some that you can wear, to the hazelnut bag you can shop with!  Entering is super easy too:

Please, kindly just:


  1.  Follow Rigoni di Asiago on Facebook here-

  2. And also here on Facebook-

  3. Then on  Twitter

  4. and lastly leave me a comment on any of the reviews and/or recipes I shared.






4 easy small steps and this gorgeous box could be yours........the hazelnut shopping bag melts your heart while you munch on the Nocciolata.  Good luck!


Winner will be notified via the contact connected to your account.  I will then forward the address to the company, which will then send the box to your home address, minus the squirrel of course :)


Friday, May 9, 2014

Rigoni di Asiago: Nocciolata with Raspberries, this is a 2-in-1 #Recipe Turnovers & Cookies Part 2


I wanted to create a filling that is easy to make, does not require a plethora of ingredients and is fast......but of course delicious. With Mother's Day upon us, many of us want to give something chocolate and fruity but the same fallback of strawberries dipped in chocolate is so yesterday! Think chocolate and raspberries snoozing in a puff pastry dough.


Let’s Begin……

  • 35 grams of Nocciolata spread

  • 7 grams of Almond Flour/Meal

  • 20 grams of Frozen Red Raspberries

  • 2 sheets of Puff Pastry (each sheet measures 5X5) and is in square shape

  • 1 egg at room temperature (whisked and with a brush)

  • Optional- Raw Hazelnuts

  • Powder Sugar for dusting

Make your filling like in part #1

Cookies (yields about 12 to 14 cookies):


Take Puff Pastry out and allow it to come to temperature, but just enough to be manageable.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees.


Get two sheets and begin spreading your filling like this-

[gallery ids="3462,3463"]

Then brush with egg wash



Begin to roll dough over from each edge, towards the inside like this-



Again, more egg wash and fold again and will be creating a heart <3

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I use the same parchment papers that come with the puff pastry to keep the roll sealed and then wrap in plastic wrap.  Put roll in the freezer to stiffen up (15 to 20 minutes) so you can cut without destroying the cookie.  Repeat with the other dough sheet the same process.

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 Once the dough is stiff enough to cut without destroying the shape, you can start making cookies.

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Then take the Hazelnuts (optional) and chop roughly, placing one small piece in each center.

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Then wash with egg and place in the oven for 15 to 18 minutes to bake at 400 degrees.


Take the cookies out and allow them to rest on the cookie sheet for 10 minutes before moving to a rack.  This helps dehydrate and also finish off the cooking in the dough, plus give it a crisp texture.

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Dust with Powder Sugar.


Then you can eat them semi-warm or completely cooled.  Enjoy!


Get your Nocciolate fix at:


I received the above product(s) free of charge from Rigoni di Asiago.  I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion.  My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.


Rigoni di Asiago: Nocciolata with Raspberries, this is a 2-in-1 #Recipe Turnovers & Cookies Part 1




I wanted to create a filling that is easy to make, does not require a plethora of ingredients and is fast......but of course delicious. With Mother's Day upon us, many of us want to give something chocolate and fruity but the same fallback of strawberries dipped in chocolate is so yesterday! Think chocolate and raspberries snoozing in a puff pastry dough. This is a 2-in-1 recipe where you can make heart shaped cookies or turnovers. You pick!

Let's Begin......

  • 35 grams of Nocciolata spread

  • 7 grams of Almond Flour/Meal

  • 20 grams of Frozen Red Raspberries

  • 2 sheets of Puff Pastry (each sheet measures 5X5) and is in square shape

  • 1 egg at room temperature (whisked and with a brush)

  • Fork or you can crimp dough by hand

  • Powder Sugar for dusting



Start by taking out your Puff Pastry out of the freezer.  I used 2 sheets that measure 5x5 each.  Turn your oven on to 400 degress to preheat.  While the dough defrosts just enough to be manageable, combine your fillings ingredients.

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Using a small spatula or spoon, just mix.



Set the mix aside and then begin by opening an egg and whisking.  You can set your pastry brush by it as you will need it.

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Take your 2 sheets of Puff Pastry and by now they should be pliable (not overly soft) to begin working with.


For Turnovers (this will make 4 of them):

Cut one 5 x 5 Puff Pastry Sheet at diagonally, so you are left with 2 triangles

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Take your filling and add about 1/4 of it to each triangle




Then take egg wash and brush all sides lightly



Fold dough, as to create a smaller triangle


Softly press making sure each side meets with each other nicely and if any filling comes out, give it a wipe but try not to stress about it :)

Then crimp closed with a fork


Give the top an egg wash and repeat the same process with your second turnover

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Place both turnovers on parchment paper and bake for 15 to 20 minutes at 400 degrees.  Allow the pastry to cool and give it a dusting with powder sugar! Serve warm alone, with cream or ice cream.



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Get your Nocciolate fix at:

I received the above product(s) free of charge from Rigoni di Asiago.  I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion.  My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.

Fior di Frutta by Rigoni di Asiago: Apricot Fruit Spread with Honey Goat Cheese Rustic Bread #Recipe



I don't usually start blogging about a sample sized item I receive but the people at Rigoni di Asiago were kind enough to not only send me bottles of their delicious Nocciolata spread, an apron and the cutest shopping bag that folds into a hazelnut, but among the goodies were these samples of their fruit spreads. After being so joyous about finding my Hazelnut & Cocoa spread, a few days later I opened one of the two flavors they sent. I got a few Apricot ones and one Blueberry, so I went to open the one I had most of. The spread packet states their spreads are sweetened with just apple juice. I taste it and it's like someone just plucked an apricot in it's prime, smashed it a little and there you go. I would think someone giving me smashed fruit would make me unhappy but not this kind. I enjoyed it so much that I had to bake with it. I had just come from the store with fresh goat cheeses (sale got me!) and the honey version just started speaking to me, so here goes a recipe because I was so impressed with the Fior di Frutta sample in Apricot!


Let's Begin.....

  • Take 5 1/2 ounces of the "Almost Whole Wheat Rustic Bread" (Recipe here-

  • 2 Tablespoons of the Fior di Frutta fruit spread in Apricot

  • 1/2 an ounce of Honey Goat Cheese (fresh and soft kind) and I went by weight, not volume.

  • Warm water mixed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil for brushing

Make the dough as instructed and when completed, take the dough and spread it out flat so it can be filled.

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Then spread the Apricot Fruit Spread

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Crumble the fresh Honey Goat Cheese

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Roll and tuck the ends

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Let rest for 20 minutes

While resting, put a dish with water in the oven and turn it on to 450 degrees. I baked mine with the convection going. I also use a glass pie dish because I am starting the oven with the water already in, versus using the pouring when hot method.



Mix warm water with a touch of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and brush loaf. I got creative and did a hash design when it came to slashing the dough. I figure try something different. I just cut an angle one-way and then the other to create a "diamond" like pattern.

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Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until done in a 450 degree oven.


Allow bread to cool before slicing, since losing cheese is no fun. I had mine about 8 hours later and this goes great with a fruit and cheese tray, with wine, with a salad or just as is. Enjoy!



Some wonderful facts about the Apricot Fruit Spread:



Get your Fruit Spread!  The Fior di Frutta line has one or like for me, I like them all:

  • On-line-

  • Facebook-

  • Twitter-

  • Pinterest-

  • Instagram-

  • Also available for sale on Amazon



I received the above product(s) free of charge from Rigoni di Asiago.  I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion.  My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.

[caption id="attachment_3426" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMAG1015 Told you the bag was super adorable![/caption]

No Kneading Required- Almost Whole Wheat Rustic Bread, great for fillings #Recipe


This is a simple and super easy baked bread that uses part All-Purpose flour and part White Whole Wheat flour. It's a blend that goes perfectly with fruit and even soft cheese with fruit based spreads. No kneading required and the bread lasts about 5 days in the fridge. I literally just pull the ounces I need and bake fresh bread when needed. It makes it look like I worked really hard in the kitchen!  This is the base recipe and you can make it go savory or sweet by what decide to fill it with.  You can also just have it as is and it goes great with ham!

Let's Begin.....

  • 2 1/4 cups of All-Purpose Flour

  • 1 cup of White Whole Wheat Flour

  • 3/4 tablespoon of Kosher Salt

  • 1/2 tablespoon of Yeast (Active-Dry)

  • 1 1/2 cups of warm Water (105 to 110 degrees)

Simply add the flours in a bowl, the salt and yeast. Whisk until blended and then add the water.

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With a wooden spoon or one that has the "umph" to withstand a few strokes, mix until blended. I usually do it for 1 to 2 minutes and if the dough seems too dry, add a teaspoon of water until you get a sticky consistency.

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Then simply cover lightly and allow the dough to proof for 2 hours.

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I recommend a overnight rest in the fridge for better taste and it allows the bread flavor to mature nicely and hydrate properly. The next day just take out what you need. I pull out about 5 1/2 ounces to make a small sized loaf that is good for 2 people, plus leftovers. Allow the dough to rest for 10 to 15 minutes and then make your creations! Allow the shaped loaf to rest and proof for about 20 to 30 minutes and then comes the baking. Brush the loaf with warm water and sometimes I even add a touch of Maple Syrup to mine to even olive oil if I am making a savory loaf. Brush the loaf and then slash (2 or 3 should do). Then bake at 450 degrees until done. Mine takes about 20 minutes.  Allow the loaf to cool before cutting.  I allow 30 minutes unless a "squirrel" attacks my bread because he could not wait.  The squirrel is usually also called a husband :)




Blueberry Maple Rustic Bread-

  • 9 ounces of Almost Whole Wheat Rustic Dough recipe above

  • 1/8 cup of dried Blueberries (I use no sugar ones- Bob's Red Mill)

  • Drizzle of Maple Syrup

  • Warm Water with a touch of Maple Syrup for "wetting" the loaf before baking

  • Dusting of Turbinado Sugar


Simply hydrate your berries and some people use warm water,


others like to add flavor by warming some juice and allowing the blueberries to hydrate in that. I went for water because I could not decide what juice to use and since it was late at night, my brain was starting to turn off. I bloom the berries for about 15 to 20 minutes. I then grabbed about 9 ounces of dough from the fridge and let it rest for about 10 to 15 minutes.  Slowly begin to shape, sort of flattening and pulling softly until I get the desired shape and length.

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Then simply drain the blueberries and drizzle the maple syrup. I then rolled, leaving the flap side down.  You then just make sure the end (tips) are the shape you desire.  I went with a pointy look.

[gallery ids="3400,3399,3401"]

I got crafty and pulled some dough out to give it a scroll design on top but you don't have to :).  Let the loaf relax (proof) for 20 minutes. Time lapses and I brush the loaf with the water and touch of maple syrup. Gave it a few slashes, sprinkled with Turbinado sugar and in it goes to be baked.  I baked the loaf for 20 minutes at 450 degrees and then allowed it to cool on the rack. I had a late night baking session but come morning, we were enjoying fresh baked blueberry maple slices and it was divine!  You control the sugar and sweeteners and get creative!  Make a patriotic themed loaf by adding cranberries and even chocolate or nuts.  Enjoy!

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