Thursday, December 12, 2013

Montagne Jeunesse, 7th Heaven Argile de Detoxification


This holiday season I have experienced a cold that turned into a flu, plus with the added stress.....well, my skin showed everything I had been going through. I want my skin to look great all year round but with meeting up with friends and family, this is the time of year the camera comes out and I really do not want to remember 2013's holiday season along with the havoc my skin has gone through. Oh yeah, I remember that pimple on my cheek where I never get it until two days into December! I was ready to turn things around and hopefully 7th Heaven will be my salvation!  ***Giveaway will be launched soon, so stay tuned***


I was sent three masques to try and I quickly reached out for what I felt explained perfectly what I need, the Argile De Detoxification Deep Pore Cleaning Masque. In 15 to 20 minutes, I have a chance to change my skin and it's appearance and you bet I am taking it!

This Masque is part of the "Detox Mud" collection and I already like how 7th Heaven carries lines that can be paired up with your skin's needs to the results you desire. Yes, make it easy for me because at this point with all the glitter everywhere, I am wondering if that is clogging my skin (yes, I walk out like a cat lady with cat hairs, but my evidence is glitter-rama). You know you have hit your glitter quota when you look in your mailbox and yes.....there was glitter even in there so now it's even getting delivered! Your Argile de (aka:glitter) Detoxification starts with Glacial Mud, which is rich in minerals that help get rid of dead skin cells while at the same time softening and purifying your skin. You think of mud and dryness may come to mind but that is not the case with Glacial Mud, the mud hydrates by actually attracting water! You then have Organic White Tea, which I have mentioned before I absolutely love. You have zero adverse effects with a product like White Tea because it's gentle but rich in antioxidants....the stuff that attacks those free radicals that love to ruin the day, and your skin. Free radicals can be blamed for pretty much everything from damaging your skin, accelerating aging and causing not only problems to your outward appearance but your overall well being. Probably even the holes in the ozone layer. Okay, maybe not that.

Flavonoids, a class of antioxidants, inhibits the growth of cancer cells and prevent the development of new ones so if I could bathe in tea, I would! The good stuff continues with Organic With Hazel, Organic Aloe Vera, Organic Ginseng, to Organic Cucumber. Another ingredient is Quillaja (aka: Soapbark tree), which is usually used in place of Xanthan Gum (emulsifier) but Quillaja has added benefits. Current studies have seen benefits in acne to even dandruff problems. Quillaja is not only was safe for sensitive skin but provided less oil production and allowed your pores to look smaller. I also liked that the study found a reduction in acne lesions......please, oh please annihilate that cheek pimple that is right where my dimple is so I love how when I smile it likes to move up and down!


Let the discovery of the new me begin:

I applied the masque in the shower because I was short on time but I also like how mud/clay masks perform by using this wet and dry method. I felt a cooling effect that opened up my pores and I thank the peppermint oil present in the masque for that wake-up call. I made sure to apply the masque knowing I would be out in 10 minutes. I then made sure to remember to not dry my face and walked out with the masque still on. I like using my time wisely when I pretend I am having a mini spa day, so the last 10 minutes I did things like put more lotion on my feet to those forgotten elbows. After 20 minutes, the masque had changed colors and had dried, so I washed my face and softly patted with a towel. I applied my creams, serums and magic potions and then headed off to bed. The next day, I awoke and my cheek pimple was no longer pudgy and pink. I had a thin scab but no hardness in the center like it had for 2 long days. The thing had finally dried out and was now healing versus playing the game of I may burst today if I feel like it but then there is tomorrow. I looked in the mirror and my skin had a glow but that imbalance issue I was experiencing while sick was now gone. For some reason when I get the flu, my forehead likes to get oily along with my chin. My nose then gets enlarged pores and starts pretending to look like Rudolph, so I was glad to drop the red nose act that I blame my overuse of tissue on. Thankfully, the pain I felt in the corner of my nose was gone and I was so glad because I hate those "blind pimples" that hurt and enlarge the area but never come out to play (get popped). The masque had definitely kicked the no face pimple out. I applied my make-up and went Christmas shopping!


Final Verdict:

I would buy this masque again and again and even use it as a spot treatment for acne and blemishes, even though that is not what the product was made for. I apply make-up more frequently in December and sometimes even go wash my face to change to a evening look, so my skin gets dry to even producing more oil in my "t-zone" area because I have stripped the good oils too. If I felt an area where a blemish may be trying to come through, I would sleep with a dot of something over the area and the next day the pimple would be dry or it would decide to wreak havoc on someone else. No matter skipped me! I want to be skipped with the yuck stuff wants to attack my skin! Get this mask because not only does it help get your skin back on the healthy track when you were ill, but it also helps keep it there.

Visit Montagne Jeunesse, 7th Heaven on:

I received this product free of charge from 7th Heaven. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product or brand, which may differ from yours.

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