Monday, February 9, 2015

Milagrous Beauty: Natural Exfoliating Facial Massage Konjac Sponge #Review #Milagrous


I have been very eager to try new Konjac sponges from several different companies because trying is really the only way to know what's the difference with all the infused additions like charcoal, green tea and so forth. I also get to learn what to look for in quality because you see some sponges ranging from $10 to $18. They all claim to do the same and let's be honest, they look the same via the computer screen.


Konjac Charcoal sponges are usually formulated for oily complexions, acne prone to combination skin. The sponge is still like the original versions, made from the Konjac root, which is a vegetable. The vegetable's fibers are perfect for gentle exfoliation and detoxifying the skin. The addition of charcoal helps clean out impurities that cause your typical skin problems like blackheads, clogged pores, blemishes to even controlling the oil (sebum) your skin may be susceptible to producing. Due to the product being natural and gentle to the skin's surface, if you suffer from sensitive skin, this form of washing and exfoliating will not cause further irritation but actually calm your skin. You should see improvements in as little as 2 weeks with daily use.

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I have tried the original/plain Konjac sponges, Charcoal and also a Green Tea versions prior to using the Charcoal sponge from Milagrous Beauty. I first noticed this is the first sponge that arrived in a bag versus a box like most others. The sponge is also not pre-wrapped in a plastic wrap....just sort of dancing in the bag. I notice this sponge feels lighter in weight and density (in dry form) from my other Charcoal based Konjac sponges from different manufactures. I wet the sponge and begin gently exfoliating, using a circular motion and applying light pressure. I notice that the sponge has at the center a more dense portion that feels almost like a knot but 75% of the remainder of the sponge, is not very dense at all. The bathroom's light reflects through much easily than with other charcoal sponges I have used and this one is more a gray in color as it furthers away from that middle knot I referred to before.

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My skin does not feel too clean, so I tried a second use and notice the sponge is leaving an almost jelly like residue. I understand the charcoal and root leave a residue but I have never experienced a jelly/sticky film. I have to be super delicate in how I hold the sponge because like any wet product, it becomes softer but this one dimples and collapses badly that I am afraid to poke a nail through and shorten the life span of the sponge.

Retail Price Point: $10.00 via Amazon

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The product states a shelf life of 3 years on the packaging, which lists Qingdao Fujiale Cosmetic Products Co., Ltd as the manufacture and states to refer to the "sealing" for the date it was made. None was listed or written anywhere on the packaging. Like with all my Konjac sponges, they need to dry and air out to stay clean and reduce any bacteria from producing, so most manufactures include hooks. None was included. Bacteria is bad enough for anyone's skin and can be worse if you suffer from acne, where you may have open skin caused by maybe using such packaging is not the safest for the product or even user. You add that no hook is supplied and I'm willing to even make the leap that this is a refill as I use the hook I already was supplied by another company.  I was just not too satisfied seeing sponge dust at the bottom of the bag, the sponge is not well shaped/formed, and you have dead links when it comes to the companies Facebook, Twitter to the Website page they supplied as contact information.  The product did not perform like any other Konjac sponge I have used prior to this one and that is even trying to ignore the jelly like residue left on my skin.  You then take into account the price point that is identical to other manufactures where the sponges outperformed this one, so I can't even say you pay 1/2 and get 1/2 the performance.  You still pay $10 and end up with what I call a sponge.  I just can't recommend a product that is not consistent to what I have seen and used on the market.  Milagrous Beauty does offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee, so this may be something to consider if you wish to try their products.


Connect with Milagrous Beauty when they are up and running at:

I received the above product(s) free of charge from Milagrous Beauty.  I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion.  My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours.


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