Friday, March 14, 2014

BzzAgent: Fiber One Protein Cereal in Maple Brown Sugar #Review


I love Maple Brown sugar flavored treats from cereals, bars to even a bowl of oatmeal, so when BzzAgent and Fiber One had this campaign......well, I was hoping to get in and so happy I did.

I still eat cereal regularly but not always with milk. I go with my cravings and love switching it up from Coconut milk, Almond milk to just regular old fashioned....well, cow milk. There are times I even mix milks just because I can! Other times I use cereals as my "granola imitation" combined with yogurts and dried fruits. It's like eating a delicious but healthy parfait.

Fiber One's Protein cereals are made with sweetened granola so it goes beyond just the flakes. You get 10 grams of protein in every serving and this is a value with the addition of milk. The Maple Brown sugar version has Pecans, so you get a nice crunch and the nuts were fair in size. You also get 20% of your daily fiber intake.

Nutritional Facts:
220 calories per one cup serving and it goes up to 260 with skim milk. You have whole grain oats, crisp rice and soy protein isolate to Corn Bran and Puffed Wheat. 150 mg of Sodium and 16 grams of sugar. I found several undesirable ingredients like Caramel coloring and Corn Syrup listed and below is the link for you to review.

  • Full Nutrition Index Link-


Maple Brown Sugar Taste Test:
I found the texture nice on it's own but did find it more on the sugar sweet side than the Maple side. The bites that contained pecans helped to mellow out the sweetness. When added with milks, I did notice it did not play well with my Vanilla flavored Almond Milk, so I stuck to plain. I found it was better with yogurt because of the crunch and the yogurt tends to dilute the sweetness. I usually just purchase a large container of plain greek yogurt that lasts a little under a week, so making this mix was great. I added almonds on certain days and on others even added a banana with flax seeds. I did enjoy the cereal and  how versatile the it can be, just wish it was a touch less sweet but it's nothing you can't fix!


If you would like to visit Fiber One's Protein Cereals, please visit:

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I received the above product free of charge from BzzAgent & Fiber One. I am not obligated to provide a positive or favorable review, just my honest opinion. My review is based on my experience with the product and/or brand, which may differ from yours. #GotItFree

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